Xianfu is a climate risk specialist and is an Acclimatise Associate
Trained as an applied meteorologist, Xianfu has been working on climate risk assessment and management for over 20 years. Her work spans climate science, climate resilience practices and international policy on adaptation. Xianfu has extensive experience in climate risk analytics, particularly with relation to scenario analysis, and climate risk analyses to inform climate-resilient public and private investments particularly in infrastructure of agriculture, energy, transport and water. She has worked in a range of institutional contexts, from University of East Anglia, UN Development Programme, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Asian Development Bank. Xianfu’s breadth of experience allows her to understand the climate risk management needs of diverse clients.
Some of Xianfu’s career highlights include making substantive contributions to a series of essential technical guidance for assessing climate change impacts and planning for adaptation in developing countries; being a coordinating lead author to the fourth IPCC assessment report; helping to develop the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage, and the adaptation elements within the Paris Agreement; and leading the development and operationalisation of the climate risk management framework within ADB’s investment business processes.
Xianfu is a Chinese national and holds a PhD in Ecology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.